Masks, Face Coverings, and PPE on Campus

Wearing a face covering to cover the mouth and nose is required, consistent with CDC, New York State, and New York City guidelines, while on University property, including outdoor spaces, at all times.

Please note that this requirement applies to the GS Student Lounge.

December 09, 2020

For more information, see the CDC's "How to Select, Wear, and Clean Your Mask.") Acceptable face coverings include, but are not limited to cloth (e.g. homemade sewn, quick cut, bandana), surgical masks, respirators, and face shields. The face covering may be removed by individuals in single offices or bedrooms when no other individuals are present and the door is closed, or when eating (while maintaining 6 feet physical distance. These are the only exceptions to the requirement for face covering on Columbia’s campuses.

  • Columbia University is providing face coverings to Columbia affiliates, if they do not have their own, at no cost. 
  • Training is being provided to all Columbia affiliates on how to put on, take off, clean (as applicable), and discard masks and face coverings. 
  • All members of the University community are asked to intervene in socially appropriate ways if they observe individuals with lapses in face coverings

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