Course Offering | Neuroscience Frontiers

GS students are invited to learn more about a new Spring 2021 course, NSBV BC3382: Neuroscience Frontiers, taught by Rae Silver and Michele Miozzo. This course is aimed at introducing students interested in Neuroscience to the local community of scientists.

December 07, 2020

Instructors: Rae Silver and Michele Miozzo 
Course Date and Time: Tuesdays, 1 - 3 p.m.
Call Number: 00100
Points: 1
Prerequisite: At least one course in Biology, Psychology or Neuroscience 

Neuroscience is a very broad field and nobody is expert at all of its interesting aspects. The course is led by Dr.'s Michele Miozzo and Rae Silver who differ significantly in their areas of expertise.

In one session, students will listen to formal scientific presentations, read a paper, and try to understand the material. In alternate weeks, students will discuss as a group what they heard, figure out the main findings, discuss why this work is important, and guess where it might lead next. As possible, participants will also have a specialist in the field join the discussion, as they will have understood the work much more deeply. This is planned to be fun, interesting and informative and quite different from the usual lecture or seminar.