Alumnus Inaugurated as President of Middlesex Community College

Dr. James Mabry was inaugurated as Middlesex Community College’s fourth president on Thursday, October 15. Mabry graduated from GS in 1981, after which he went on to the London School of Economics for a Master of Science degree and then returned to Columbia for a PhD in U.S. history.

October 16, 2015

The position Mabry held previous to his presidency at Middlesex was Vice President of Academic Affairs at Mesa Community College in Mesa, Arizona.

GS changed my life and put me on the path to where I am today.

James Mabry, President of Middlesex Community College

Mabry's path to GS began as a civilian employee of the U.S. Air Force in Germany, after which he received an associate degree from the University of Maryland in the six years between high school and matriculating at GS. He believes that his experience studying at GS was the first step of what later became his mission to provide opportunities for students in higher education.

"GS changed my life and put me on the path to where I am today," Mabry said.

Mabry expressed his goals in an interview with The Bedford Citizen in December.

"I want all community college students to have an opportunity to learn and to succeed." Mabry has spent most of his career in community colleges, first as a teacher. He said that he "wants higher education to be accessible and to create learning environments that are welcoming and promote success."

"I am looking forward to a great new challenge knowing I am stepping in to lead a strong organization with many great people," Mabry told Dean Awn.

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Dr. James C. Mabry Inaugurated as Middlesex Community College’s Fourth President

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